Corporate and Commercial Law
Duran & Osorio is considered one of the most relevant firms in Colombia in terms of telecommunications, media and technology consulting.
Our experience dates back almost twenty years, since the liberalization process of the networks and services market in Colombia began, until the recent introduction of Internet-based services. During all these years, through our participation in significant transactions, we have managed to accumulate important knowledge of the sector and have consolidated our image as a firm that combines legal and regulatory knowledge with the understanding of the technical particularities and financial requirements of this industry.
This practice area is responsible for aspects related to the telecommunications regime such as the registration of operators, obtaining permits for the use of the spectrum and advising on the application of the regulatory framework. Likewise, the firm has advised state entities in the development of new regulations and has participated in merger and acquisition transactions of operators.
Other aspects dealt with by this practice area correspond to those related to audiovisual media, which include the authorization of TV operators, advice on content distribution contracts for television and OTT schemes.
Also part of this practice area is advice on the legal regime of personal data and, in particular, advice on the execution of contracts under the science and technology regime.
We are very proud of been nominated in three different categories at the prestigious P3 Bulletin Awards.
Duran & Osorio was shortlisted for Legal Advisor Of The Year and two of the projects the firm advised (Bosa Hospital and First Bogota Metro Line) were nominated too.
We are very proud of been nominated in three different categories at the prestigious P3 Bulletin Awards.
Duran & Osorio was shortlisted for Legal Advisor Of The Year and two of the projects the firm advised (Bosa Hospital and First Bogota Metro Line) were nominated too.
We are very proud of been nominated in three different categories at the prestigious P3 Bulletin Awards.
Duran & Osorio was shortlisted for Legal Advisor Of The Year and two of the projects the firm advised (Bosa Hospital and First Bogota Metro Line) were nominated too.
We are very proud of been nominated in three different categories at the prestigious P3 Bulletin Awards.
Duran & Osorio was shortlisted for Legal Advisor Of The Year and two of the projects the firm advised (Bosa Hospital and First Bogota Metro Line) were nominated too.
We are very proud of been nominated in three different categories at the prestigious P3 Bulletin Awards.
Duran & Osorio was shortlisted for Legal Advisor Of The Year and two of the projects the firm advised (Bosa Hospital and First Bogota Metro Line) were nominated too.
We are very proud of been nominated in three different categories at the prestigious P3 Bulletin Awards.
Duran & Osorio was shortlisted for Legal Advisor Of The Year and two of the projects the firm advised (Bosa Hospital and First Bogota Metro Line) were nominated too.
We are very proud of been nominated in three different categories at the prestigious P3 Bulletin Awards.
Duran & Osorio was shortlisted for Legal Advisor Of The Year and two of the projects the firm advised (Bosa Hospital and First Bogota Metro Line) were nominated too.
Alvaro Durán
Álvaro fue director jurídico del Plan Nacional de Rehabilitación, consultor legal de la Unidad de Infraestructura del Departamento Nacional de Planeación y asesor de la Vicepresidencia de Banca de Inversión de la Corporación Financiera del Valle (hoy Corficolombiana). Desde 1999 es socio de Durán & Osorio. Ha sido reconocido por Chambers & Partners como uno de los mejores abogados en proyectos y derecho público y por Legal 500 como figura clave en proyectos, M&A, banca y finanzas y TMT.
El Sr. Durán ha liderado la estructuración legal de grandes proyectos de infraestructuraentre los cuales destacan la concesión de la segunda pista y del Aeropuerto El Dorado, varios componentes del sistema Transmilenio, la defensa jurídica de la Nación Colombiana en los contratos de Joint Venture de Telecom, la fusión de Telecom y Movistar, la adquisición de CHEC y EDEQ, el fairness opinion de la valoración de la venta de la participación accionaria de la Nación en ISAGEN y la asesoría a Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P en el diseño de un vehículo de inversión en APP carreteras.
El Sr. Durán dirigió el componente legal de la estandarización del programa de 4G de concesiones viales para la IFC,la estructuración legal para FONADE de los proyectos de APP que hacen parte del Grupo 3 – Centro Oriente de carreteras, el proyecto Circuito de los Embalses y el Metro de Bogotá. Actualmente, dirige la estructuración legal de importantes proyectos, dentro de los cuales destaca la PTAR Canoas.
Destaca su participación como apoderado y líder en la defensa jurídica del Patrimonio Autónomo de Remanentes de Telecom en los Tribunales de Arbitramento con Plescom, Edatel y Teledifusión y la representación de la Concesión RUNT S.A. ante un Tribunal de Arbitramento contra el Ministerio de Transporte. Recientemente, en la asesoría al MinTIC Álvaro lideró la negociación con el concesionario del dominio .co para la modificación de la concesión y acompañó al Ministerio en la subasta de espectro y en la contratación del dominio .co
Ha sido profesor de contratación pública en la Universidad Externado de Colombia, y del régimen de las APP en la Universidad de los Andes, Javeriana, EAFIT y Cámara de Comercio de Medellín. También ha sido consultor del Banco Mundial para la reglamentación de las APP en otros países de Latinoamérica e invitado como conferencista de temas de APP para México, Perú, Brasil y Uruguay.
Abogado. Universidad Externado de Colombia. 1984
Español, Inglés
Practice areas
Proyectos, Litigios, Derecho Público